Image Lib options

Please use cliOptions key to set any the of the image settings available

{%  set settings = {
        filename: 'my-first-image.png',
        asImage: true,
        cliOptions: {
            'transparent': null,
            'quality': 80

{{ craft.enupalsnapshot.displayHtml("<h1>Hola mundo</h1>", settings) }}

# Available settings

Option Values what?
checkbox-checked-svg path Use this SVG file when rendering checked checkboxes
checkbox-svg path Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked checkboxes
cookie name value Set an additional cookie (repeatable)
cookie-jar path Read and write cookies from and to the supplied cookie jar file
crop-h int Set height for croping
crop-w int Set width for croping
crop-x int Set x coordinate for croping
crop-y int Set y coordinate for croping
custom-header name value Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable)
custom-header-propagation Add HTTP headers specified by custom-header for each resource request.
no-custom-header-propagation Do not add HTTP headers specified by custom-header for each resource request.
debug-javascript Show javascript debugging output
no-debug-javascript Do not show javascript debugging output (default)
encoding encoding Set the default text encoding, for input
extended-help Display more extensive help, detailing less common command switches
format format Output file format (default is jpg)
height int Set screen height (default is calculated from page content) (default 0)
help Display help
htmldoc Output program html help
images Do load or print images (default)
no-images Do not load or print images
disable-javascript Do not allow web pages to run javascript
enable-javascript Do allow web pages to run javascript (default)
javascript-delay msec Wait some milliseconds for javascript finish (default 200)
load-error-handling handler Specify how to handle pages that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default abort)
disable-local-file-access Do not allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files, unless explecitily allowed with allow
enable-local-file-access Allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files. (default)
manpage Output program man page
minimum-font-size int Minimum font size
password password HTTP Authentication password
disable-plugins Disable installed plugins (default)
enable-plugins Enable installed plugins (plugins will likely not work)
post name value Add an additional post field (repeatable)
post-file name path Post an additional file (repeatable)
proxy proxy Use a proxy
quality int Output image quality (between 0 and 100) (default 94)
radiobutton-checked-svg path Use this SVG file when rendering checked radiobuttons
radiobutton-svg path Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked radiobuttons
readme Output program readme
run-script js Run this additional javascript after the page is done loading (repeatable)
disable-smart-width* Use the specified width even if it is not large enough for the content
stop-slow-scripts Stop slow running javascripts (default)
no-stop-slow-scripts Do not Stop slow running javascripts (default)
transparent* Make the background transparent in pngs
user-style-sheet url Specify a user style sheet, to load with every page
username username HTTP Authentication username
version Output version information an exit
width int Set screen width (default is 1024) (default 1024)
window-status windowStatus Wait until window.status is equal to this string before rendering page
zoom float Use this zoom factor (default 1)