Backup statuses

Enupal Backup have four statuses during the backup process. The statuses are:

# Started

This status is setup before the Job is executed and when the Backup is initialized.

This status is associated with the blank color.

# Running

This status is setup when the Craft CMS Job is started, it's common to see this status on the index page if the files are large or if the Backup is uploaded to the cloud options.

This status is associated with the blue color.


This status could take time to finish.

# Finished

Your Backup is ready to download! Enupal Backup successfully finished the Backup process of your files on Craft CMS.

This status is associated with the green color.

# Error

This status notify if something went wrong during the Backup process, it will show useful information on the Backup view.

This status is associated with the red color.

Enupal Backup status

Last Updated: 5/15/2020, 10:28:00 PM