Available Providers

The table below lists the social networks and identity providers currently supported by Socializer and outlines their specs

Adapter Name Specs
Apple OAuth2
Amazon OAuth2
Authentiq OAuth2
BitBucket OAuth2
Blizzard OAuth2
Discord OAuth2
Disqus OAuth2
Dribbble OAuth2
Facebook OAuth2
Foursquare OAuth2
GitHub OAuth2
GitLab OAuth2
Google OAuth2
Instagram OAuth2
LinkedIn OAuth2
Mailru OAuth2
MicrosoftGraph OAuth2
Odnoklassniki OAuth2
Reddit OAuth2
Slack OAuth2
Spotify OAuth2
StackExchange OAuth2
Steam Hybrid
Strava OAuth2
SteemConnect OAuth2
Telegram Hybrid
Tumblr OAuth2
TwitchTV OAuth2
Twitter OAuth1
Vkontakte OAuth2
WeChat OAuth2
WindowsLive OAuth2
WordPress OAuth2
Yandex OAuth2
Yahoo OAuth2
QQ OAuth2
Last Updated: 10/23/2020, 8:38:14 AM