Cancel Subscriptions

Follow the next example to allow users to cancel subscriptions via front-end. If you want to cancel the subscription at the end of the period please go toย Stripe Paymentsย โ†’ Settings โ†’ Defaults and enable the "Cancel subscription at period end" lightswitch.ย However you could override the default setting passing a hidden value with next name: cancelAtPeriodEnd

{% for order in craft.enupalStripe.getSubscriptionsByUser( %}
    {% set subscription = order.getSubscription() %}
    {% set redirectUri = 'shop/come-back-please' %}

    {% if subscription.status == 'active' and not subscription.cancelAtPeriodEnd %}
        <form method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="enupal-stripe/stripe/cancel-subscription">
            <input type="hidden" name="subscriptionId" value="{{ order.stripeTransactionId }}">
            <input type="hidden" name="cancelAtPeriodEnd" value="true">
            <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{{ redirectUri|hash }}">
            {{ csrfInput() }}

            <li>{{ 'Order Number:'|t }} {{ order.number }}</li>
            <li>{{ 'Plan nickname:'|t }}  {{ subscription.planNickName }}</li>
            <li>{{ 'Status:'|t }}  {{ subscription.status }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Interval:'|t }}  {{ subscription.interval }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Period Start:'|t }}  {{ subscription.startDate|date }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Period end:'|t }}  {{ subscription.endDate|date }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Quantity:'|t }}  {{ subscription.quantity }} </li>

            <button type="submit"> {{ "Cancel Membership"|t }}</button>        
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

# Reactivate Subscription

When a subscription has been scheduled for cancellation usingย cancel_at_period_endย set to true, it can be reactivated at any point up to the end of the period. Anyย metered usageย is charged for in a final invoice once the subscription cancels at the end of the billing period.

{% for order in craft.enupalStripe.getSubscriptionsByUser( %}
    {% set subscription = order.getSubscription() %}
    {% set redirectUri = 'shop/come-back-please' %}

    {% if subscription.status == 'active' and subscription.cancelAtPeriodEnd %}
        <form method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="enupal-stripe/stripe/reactivate-subscription">
            <input type="hidden" name="subscriptionId" value="{{ order.stripeTransactionId }}">
            <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{{ redirectUri|hash }}">
            {{ csrfInput() }}

            <li>{{ 'Order Number:'|t }} {{ order.number }}</li>
            <li>{{ 'Plan nickname:'|t }}  {{ subscription.planNickName }}</li>
            <li>{{ 'Status:'|t }}  {{ subscription.status }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Interval:'|t }}  {{ subscription.interval }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Period Start:'|t }}  {{ subscription.startDate|date }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Period end:'|t }}  {{ subscription.endDate|date }} </li>
            <li>{{ 'Quantity:'|t }}  {{ subscription.quantity }} </li>

            <button type="submit"> {{ "Reactivate Membership"|t }}</button>        
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


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