Update Card Info

Use the following steps to create a Checkout page that collects your customer’s payment details and returns a Payment Method (if SCA (opens new window) is enabled) or a token (if SCA (opens new window) is disabled). Then we'll use the Stripe REST APIs to update the payment method used for future invoices.

# If SCA is enabled

If SCA is enabled in your Stripe Payment settings, create a template in the front-end with the following code to allow users to update their card info via the new Stripe Checkout.

{% if currentUser %}

    {% do view.registerJsFile('https://js.stripe.com/v3/') %}

    {% set stripeCustomer = craft.enupalStripe.getStripeCustomer(currentUser.email) %}  
    {% set pbk = craft.enupalStripe.getPublishableKey() %}
    {% set session = craft.enupalStripe.getSetupSession(currentUser.email, 'success-url/', 'cancel-url/') %}  
    {% set currentCard = 'No card' %}
    {# Check first for default payment method #}
    {% set paymentMethodId = stripeCustomer.invoice_settings.default_payment_method ?? null  %}

    {% if paymentMethodId %}
        {% set paymentMethod = craft.enupalStripe.getPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId) %}

        {% if paymentMethod.card is defined %}
            {% set currentCard = paymentMethod.card.brand ~ " ending in " ~ paymentMethod.card.last4 %}
        {% endif %}

    {% else %}

        {% set currentCard = stripeCustomer.default_source.brand ~ " ending in " ~ stripeCustomer.default_source.last4 %}

    {% endif %}

    <h1>Current Card:<h2> <code> {{currentCard}}</code>
    <form action="enupal-stripe/update-billing-info" method="POST" id="update-card">
        {{ csrfInput() }}
        <button>{{ 'Update Card Details'|t }}</button>

        $( document ).ready(function() {
            var stripe = Stripe('{{pbk}}');

            $('#update-card').on('click', function(e) {
                    sessionId: '{{session.id}}'
{% endif %}

# If SCA is disabled

If SCA is disabled in your Stripe Payment settings, create a template in the front-end with the following code to allow users to update their card info via the legacy Stripe Checkout modal window.

The redirect URL will have available the following variable: stripeCustomer

{% if currentUser %}
     {% set stripeCustomer = craft.enupalStripe.getStripeCustomer(currentUser.email) %}  
     {% set currentCard = stripeCustomer.default_source.brand ~ " ending in " ~ stripeCustomer.default_source.last4 %}

     <h1>Current Card:<h2> <code> {{currentCard}}</code>
    <form action="enupal-stripe/update-billing-info" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" aria-hidden="true" name="redirect"
        value="{{ 'card-updated/'|hash }}">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
        src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
        data-key="{{ craft.enupalStripe.getPublishableKey() }}"
        data-name="Your Website Name"
        data-panel-label="Update Card Details"
        data-label="Update Card Details"
        data-email="{{ currentUser.email }}">
{% endif %}